You have the right to considerate and respectful care.
Your corresponding responsibility is to give your clinician and other Health Center staff members the same respect and consideration.
You have the right to receive complete information regarding your health care.
Your responsibility is to provide accurate, honest information to your clinician and other Health Center staff members so that the best decisions regarding your health care can be made.
You have the right to receive adequate information necessary to provide informed consent before the initiation of any test, treatment or procedure.
Your responsibility is to initiate questions when you do not understand the information you are given.
You have the right to refuse any recommended services or to ask for a second opinion.
If you agree to a course of treatment, you have the responsibility to yourself and to the clinician to follow the prescribed instructions, including completing medication and returning for follow-up care.
You have the right to privacy (see Confidentiality).
You have the right to an explanation of any charges incurred at the Health Center.
You have the responsibility to be prompt with payments and submission of insurance claims. Our Student Health Center does not generally charge for services. You may be referred from the Health Center for testing or services that will require payment through your insurance. Certain vaccinations required for Travel Health will be added to your term bill.