The College Cares Program, spearheaded by Integrative Wellbeing Services at Williams College, is a letter-writing campaign that builds connections between college students, faculty and staff and citizens who are essential workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic in their local communities, including our campus. Designed to express gratitude, students, staff and faculty are invited to write letters, send poetry and create artwork to thank individuals on the front lines.
Scanned handwritten and colorful letters will be accepted via email at [email protected] between May 14 – May 22, 2020, printed out, boxed up and delivered to local organizations to share with their staff during the week of May 25th. Reference “ Reference “College Cares + Recipient” in the subject line.
Correspondence should be addressed to a worker (eg. Dear Nurse or Dear Food Service Staff) in one or more of the following categories:
- Food Service (grocery store employees, cafeteria staff, etc)
- Medical Technicians
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Respiratory Professionals
- Facilities / Maintenance staff
- Administrative Teams
- First Responders
- Delivery Workers
Feel free to sign them with your name and Williams class year or staff/faculty position so our recipients will know another caring human is thinking of them and expressing gratitude in this creative way. Once we get the Williams community project up and running we intend to invite other local colleges to join in as well, repeating the project within their own communities.
We encourage you to write or draw and submit as many as you feel moved to, recognizing that each one will go directly to someone working hard each day to care for others. Your work will undoubtedly be a meaningful connection for someone, perhaps just when they need it most.
Thank you for your partnership in caring for these truly essential people.
Questions? Email us (referencing “College Cares” in the subject line).