Nutrition and Food
- Balance your meals. Have protein, healthy carbohydrate, fat and vegetables and/fruit at each meal.
- Healthy Carbohydrates include brown rice, whole wheat breads, whole grain pastas and crackers, quinoa, millet, amaranth, teff, starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, parsnips and potatoes.
- Eat regularly. Eating three meals plus snacks if you’re hungry ensures that you will eat on a schedule and get enough calories and nutrients. The metabolism functions best on a similar schedule daily. Eating every 4-6 hours guarantees plenty of energy and an efficient metabolism.
- Snacks are important if you get hungry in between meals. They consist of a protein and/or fat + a carbohydrate. Snacks keep your energy going until meal time and reduce your chances of over eating at meals.
- Proportion your plate to visually have about ½ vegetables and/or fruit, ¼ protein, ¼ healthy carbohydrate and some fat at each meal.
- Hara Hachi Bu — Japanese for eat until you’re 80% full. This means you should aim to feel comfortably satisfied but not stuffed after a meal. This takes some practice but gets easier with each meal.
Body Maintenance: Be nice to your body and pay attention to what it needs
Eat enough every day — not eating enough tells your body to conserve energy and over stimulates the appetite; and can leave you feeling tired and moody.
Hydrate – Dehydration makes you feel tired. Caffeine and alcohol are very dehydrating. Balance caffeine or alcohol consumption with non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic fluids.
Sleep – Sleep deprivation increases appetite (and often body weight) and decreases brain function. Enough sound sleep helps your energy, weight maintenance, and your ability to think and concentrate. Strive for at least 8 hours/night. If you don’t get enough, take a nap during the day.
Physical activity – Move your body at least 30 minutes a day, it can even be split up into 10 minute walks. Find a physical activity that you really like and look forward to — you’re more likely to move regularly if you enjoy it. Physical activity reduces stress, improves the microbiome, increases muscle mass, improves mood, etc…
How do I look?
If we all looked the same the world would be a very boring place.
Genes (not jeans) have a lot to do with body shape — there is no “right” weight for someone of a certain height. Check in with how you feel — that’s the real indicator of a healthy lifestyle. If something doesn’t feel right then seek medical care.
Healthy Lifestyle Key Attributes (not in any particular order)
- Eat balance meals regularly with whole foods
- Move your body
- Hydrate
- Sleep
- Think Positive Thoughts