
Exterior of Health Center buildingThe Health Center will not be accepting walk-in appointments outside of the designated walk-in clinic times.  Please call us at
(413) 597-2206
to schedule an appointment
with medical services.



NEW Walk-in Clinic hours at the Student Health Center! Starting 9/9/2024

The Health Center is piloting walk-in clinic hours for the fall semester.

Are you not feeling well or have a quick problem and no time to schedule a visit?

Mondays from 9:00-10:00am and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00pm the Health Center is open for walk-in visits. No appointment needed, self check-in is completed right at the kiosks in the Health Center!

  • Walk-in clinic wait times will vary depending on the number of students accessing services. Appointments during the walk-in clinic will be managed on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Appointments are still available during operational hours. If an appointment time works better for your schedule or, you are unable to utilize the walk-in clinic and need services please call the Health Center at (413)597-2206 to schedule an appointment. Same day scheduled visits can usually be accommodated.
  • Walk-in clinic hours are intended to offer quick access for evaluation and treatment of acute concerns. If your concern requires additional follow-up or a more thorough examination you may be asked to schedule a follow-up visit.

Student Health  & Wellness Services use an electronic health system for our student health records. When you visit Student Health & Wellness Services for an appointment, to follow-up with a provider about lab results or for any other reason, please sign with your phone or laptop using the patient portal.

We recently added a Patient Portal which students may access using their Williams email log-in information.  The Patient Portal provides students access to view and/or print their immunization records, it offers a secure means for students to upload required documentation directly to their health records and it is a secure way in which health care providers can communicate information directly to their patients.

If you have questions about the patient portal or scheduling services, please contact Health and Wellness Services at (413) 597-2206.